Wind Blowing against Komuro : Bitter Comments from the IHA Secretary and OB
It is reported that the Imperial Household Agency Secretary Nishimura was surprised by the story in the weekly Bunshun (April 29 issue) posted online on April 21st. According to the article, Kei Komuro's mother, Kayo, planned to continue to receive the survivor's pension of her ex-husband who had committed suicide by hiding that fact that she is under common-law marriage and make a living together with the ex-fiance, then be enrolled after he was eligible for the pension. Qualification for the survivor's pension disappears not only in the case of remarriage, but also in the case of common-law marriage. Although this was previously reported in Shukan Gendai, Bunshun's article focused on alleged survivor pension fraud using images of emails allegedly sent by Kayo to his ex-fiancé. Officials in the IHA are reported to be also showing serious interest. M...