Japanese Government's Secret Support for Kei Komuro? German report
Kei Komuro has failed the NY bar exam in July 2021 and his livelihood is in jeopardy. However, there are reports that he has a huge source of funding. German state broadcaster DW reported that the Japanese government is expected to sign a contract with Komuro's employer in New York to financially support him and his wife. https://www-dw-com.translate.goog/en/japan-princess-mako-marries-commoner-amid-controversy/a-59617287?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=nui In this report, Yoichi Shimada, an academic and staunch supporter of Japan’s monarchy, is quoted as saying: "We all know that the life of an international lawyer in New York is very challenging and competitive, so I worry that he will not be up to that task, although I have heard from my contacts in the Japanese government that Tokyo will be using Komuro's law firm to ensure he is a success and can earn a living." The above i...