Imperial Privilege and Fascism: More Terrifying than the Komuro Scandal: On the Subject of an Email
I received an email from a reader of this blog yesterday. This blog was established out of concern over the current state of the Japanese Imperial Family, including the Mako/Komuro issue, and out of a sense of crisis over the lack of accurate coverage of these issues overseas. Contrary to what many major newspapers in Japan and abroad are reporting, there are very few people around me who are in favor of Mako and Komuro's marriage with open arms. It is by no means simply because Komuro's mother has not paid her debts. There are very many, weighty reasons that cannot be reported abroad. In particular, this e-mail points out the "abuse of imperial privilege” . The level of interest in this issue naturally varies from person to person among the Japanese people, but I would like to introduce this as a sample to show what the relatively intelligent and well-informed people who have no direct interest in the Imperial Family think abo...