Princess Aiko is 'Friend-Oriented': Her Alma Mater Gakushuin Junior and Senior High School Shares Episodes
( The main article is here ) As the only daughter of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, Her Imperial Highness Princess Toshinomiya Aiko of Japan, celebrated her 20th birthday on the 1st, the Gakushuin, where she studied from elementary school to her current university, revealed episodes of Aiko's life to the press. They said that Aiko had "high sensitivity and straightforward feelings" and was a friend-oriented student. The Gakushuin Junior and Senior High School teachers responded in writing to questions from the Imperial Press Association on the occasion of Princess Aiko's birthday. When Princess Aiko was in high school, she loved her P.E. classes and excelled at softball, a sport that both the Emperor and Empress were familiar with. At the field day, she participated in the "dribbling relay" event from the first year of junior high to the third year of high school, and won the event in the third year of high school after practicing...