72-97.6% Answered "Opposite" : 4 Opinion Polls on Mako&Komuro Problem


Let's Find Out Why the Japanese People Are Against It

What is delaying the marriage of Mako and Komuro? There are probably several factors, but one would be public opposition.


The most objective measure in the world to indicate the public’s opinion is polls. Denial of them is a denial of democracy, while some kind of conspiracy theorists would insists on invalidity of election or poll.

Now I share 4 web researches carried out by separate Japanese media of which one was done this march, and the remains conducted immediately after release of Komuro’s 28-page document.

Dear readers, my personal conclusion is that, if you are a businessperson who have relationship with Japanese people and have a chance to discuss this topic, the best way would be to say: “Japanese people’s concern about this marriage is understandable. I learned the background of it on the web.”because adults are more concerned being well- informed of this topic.
On this very point, discussion made in this blog will most benefit you.


97.6% of People Oppose the Marriage

Let's take a look at what the results were in order.

A web research conducted by Weekly Asahi this March showed 97.6% of the questionee was opposite to this marriage.


Since this is a web research, it may be so-called “people with strong feeling” answering it, but it is a tremendous figure I’ve never seen.
though I agree that younger generation is more and more indifferent of IF.

The Aera dot. which is a web magazine issued by Asahi Shinbun featured
the result of its web research on 17 April.

“No Affection to Mako Felt in Komuro’s Document” : 28,641 Voices to Our Emergency Web Research

1 % was favor for this marriage and 97% was opposite, according to this article.
As for the question about degree of satisfaction to the Komuro’s 28-pages document in explaining the financial problem,
1 % answered “very satisfied” where “not satisfied” was 94% and “no opinion” 4%.

Another web enquirer was made by Shukan Josei Prime in the same month, where similar result was obtained:

90% Was “Not Satisfied” with Komuro’s Document : Severe Comments Were Seen in Emergent Web Enquirer

According to the article above, 90% of 2,300 people who answered on the web were “Not Satisfied” with the document, and 8% didn’t read it, 2% was “satisfied”.

The 3rd research was done in April and featured in this month by Bunshun Online which 1,370 questionees subscribed:

Only 6.7% “Satisfied” with Komuro’s 28-Pages Document, the Lowest Pro-Marriage of 11.2% in the Past: Results of Questionnaire on the Marriage between Mako and Komuro

6.7% answered “Satisfied” with the Komuro document, with 80.9% “Not satisfied” and 12.3% “no opinion”.

Regarding the opinion about the marriage, 72.0% was “Opposite”, with 11.2% “Favor” and 16.8% “No Opinion”.

How do you think about them? No further research was conducted on this topic except for the above.

And no party is behind these results, no party can manipulate or fake them.

It is supposed to be helpful for you to understand what is background for the public’s opinions demonstrated in these results, when you want to make a chat on this topic with your Japanese friends.
I'm willing to help you, as objectively and with evidences as possible.



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