‘Emperor Aiko’ blocked by Komuro


At the eighth meeting of the government's expert panel held recently, it was decided to consider the issue of the dwindling number of successors to the throne, focusing on two proposals: the creation of a female monarchy and the return of former members of the Imperial Family to the Imperial Register. This means that the realization of "Emperor Aiko," which is desired by most of the Japanese people, has become a distant prospect.


Kei Komuro as a Barrier to "Emperor Aiko"?

One of the women's weekly magazines, "Josei Seven," carried this headline.



According to the report, the presence of Kei Komuro, the unofficial fiancee of Mako, the eldest daughter of the Akishino family, is causing the debate to stagnate.


There is no doubt that the majority of the Japanese people want to see a "female emperor," and more specifically, the accession to the throne of Princess Aiko, the daughter of Emperor Akihito. In addition, Prime Minister Kan and the Prime Minister's Office had positioned the "female Imperial Family" as a trump card to overcome the slump in support.


However, the issue of Mako and Komuro's marriage became complicated, and the release of the 28-page "Komuro Documents" in April of this year caused strong public opposition to both Komuro and Mako.


“If a female monarchy is established before she marries, Princess Mako may become the head of the new monarchy. If she then marries Mr. Komuro, there is a possibility that he will join the IF and become "His Imperial Highness Prince Kei. Under such circumstances, can we really proceed with the discussion? As long as the issue of Mako's marriage is not put to rest, I don't think the discussion can proceed in earnest.” A imperial journalist said.


Shuji Yagi, a conservative professor at Reitaku University, told the Daily Shincho, "The troubles surrounding the marriage of Princess Mako and Mr. Komuro have brought to light the problems with the female line of succession. The general public must feel that it is undesirable for a person like Mr. Komuro to be involved in the IF. They feel that if this issue is prolonged, respect for the IF could be greatly undermined. The appearance of Mr. Komuro has given the public a concrete image of the succession to the female line, and I think this has had more than a little influence on the debate about the succession to the throne.



Mr. Yagi likens Komuro, the man who hauled Mako around, to Dokyo, a monstrous monk in the Nara period. Dōkyō was favored by the female emperor Kōken and Shōtoku (the same person ascended to the throne twice) and tried to become emperor himself. This attempt was thwarted, but perhaps this was a traumatic experience for the IF, and after Emperor Shotoku, no female emperor was born for about 850 years until Emperor Meisei ascended the throne in the Edo period.


If Mako were to become the head of the female imperial monarchy, Komuro would be her spouse and become a member of the imperial family, giving birth to "His Imperial Highness Prince Kei. There is a strong sentiment among the people that "HIH Prince Kei? No Way!". In the unlikely event that a child born between the two of them would have the right to succeed to the throne, Kei could become the "father of the emperor.


For this reason, the members who participated in the hearing of the expert panel said, "As long as the issue of Ms. Komuro remains unresolved, we cannot expect a calm discussion on the imperial family system. It will be difficult to gain public understanding if Ms. Komuro's presence continues to haunt us. The expert panel has already confirmed that the current order of succession to the imperial throne is limited to male lineage, and has decided not to expand the qualifications for succession to women or female lineage.


On the other hand, some have likened Komuro to Meghan in the British royal family, and have suggested that a female version of Komuro, a "Japanese Meghan," may be on the horizon.



Aiko, the daughter of Emperor Naruhito, will become an adult member of the IF in December of this year. This was the perfect time to discuss a "female emperor," but it turned out to be blocked by Komuro.


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