Mako Diagnosed with Complex PTSD, IHA Says :Full Text of Announcement


In the announcement of the marriage of Mako (29), the eldest daughter of the Akishino family, and Kei Komuro (29), the Imperial Household Agency revealed on October 1 that Mako had been diagnosed with complex PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).


In addition to senior officials of the IHA, psychiatrist Tsuyoshi Akiyama, head of the Quality Assurance Office at NTT East Kanto Hospital, was present at the press conference. According to Akiyama, around 2018-19, Mako "began to feel a fear that her wish to lead a peaceful and happy life would become impossible. Mako's marriage had been postponed since February 2006.


 He said that complex PTSD has not interfered with her official activities or preparations for marriage. Akiyama said, "With the warm watchfulness of the people around her, we believe that her health will recover quickly.

(The full text of the announcement about Mako's "complex PTSD" can be found at the end of this article.)


However, there are many objections to this announcement in Japan.

Dr. Hideki Wada, a psychiatrist who is familiar with complex PTSD, said, "I think it's more like 'adjustment disorder,'" based on the fact that Mako was doing official work right up until the last minute. According to Dr. Wada, many people with complex PTSD have been abused, and being diagnosed as having PTSD after being bad-mouthed seems like "bravery" on the part of the doctor who diagnosed her.


In addition, the Internet is full of criticism such as, "If you can't even make correct criticism as 'slanderous', then it's a silencing of speech," in response to the phrase "felt to be slanderous" in the announcement, and it seems that the announcement by the IHA was "counterproductive" in terms of public feelings toward Mako.



Full text of the announcement of Mako's "Complex PTSD


[Diagnosis of "Complex PTSD]


Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako has been diagnosed with "complex PTSD" (complex post-traumatic stress disorder) as a result of repeated and prolonged experiences of what she perceives as slander against herself, her family, her partner, and her partner's family in relation to their marriage.


In PTSD, symptoms such as avoidance of traumatic events, re-experiencing of the trauma due to some trigger, and a strong sense of threat at the slightest stimulus occur due to the traumatic experience of intense fear.


"Complex PTSD is the 11th edition of the ICD, a diagnosis newly introduced in 2018. This diagnosis was introduced to characterize people who have been diagnosed with PTSD who have experienced a long-term, repetitive, and difficult-to-eliminate human trauma and have only persistent symptoms such as believing they are worthless, emotional instability, and avoiding relationships with others. Complex PTSD was introduced to characterize people with persistent symptoms such as feeling unworthy, emotional instability, and avoiding relationships with others. Since "complex PTSD" is a new diagnosis, it is likely that a large number of people who are currently diagnosed with PTSD actually fall into the "complex PTSD" category.


"Complex PTSD can also be caused by verbal abuse, such as online attacks, bullying, and harassment. Anyone who experiences such trauma can develop Complex PTSD. As we all know, precious lives are lost due to online attacks, bullying, and harassment.


[Symptoms and progress]


Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako has experienced a long-term repetition of what she perceives as slanderous incidents against herself and her family, as well as against her partner and her partner's family, in relation to her marriage, which she has been unable to escape. Because of this, from around 2018-19, they felt helpless, as if it was difficult to correct the slander or to change the situation, and they felt that their human dignity was being trampled on. She felt that her dignity as a human being was being trampled upon and that she was afraid that her wish to live a peaceful and happy life after marriage would become impossible. This made her feel worthless, emotionally upset, and more likely to avoid relationships with other people than before.


Later, she told me that she would have flashbacks of her fears when she saw content that she perceived as slanderous, or when she saw certain words, even if they were not actually related to the content. From a certain point on, she avoided stimuli related to events that she perceived as slanderous as much as possible. In addition, she has a persistent fear that her life will be destroyed, which makes her pessimistic and makes it difficult for her to feel happy. As a result, she feels threatened by the slightest stimulus, and has difficulty concentrating, agitation, and apathy. As a member of the Imperial Family, he has been doing his best in his official activities and has continued to work in his private life, but I have heard that he often feels extreme pain on a daily basis.


[About the condition "Complex PTSD" and her marriage]


 As for Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako, her judgment has not been affected, as she has been engaged in official activities. There is no impediment to your preparations for marriage.


 If Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako's marriage eliminates what she perceives as slanderous comments about her, her family, her partner, and her partner's family, her "complicated PTSD" is likely to improve. If you have the warm support of those around you regarding your marriage, your health will recover more quickly.


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